
class tfsnippet.layers.CouplingLayer(shift_and_scale_fn, axis=-1, value_ndims=1, secondary=False, scale_type='linear', sigmoid_scale_bias=2.0, epsilon=1e-06, name=None, scope=None)

Bases: tfsnippet.layers.flows.base.FeatureMappingFlow

A general implementation of the coupling layer (Dinh et al., 2016).

Basically, a CouplingLayer does the following transformation:

x1, x2 = split(x)
if secondary:
    x1, x2 = x2, x1

y1 = x1

shift, scale = shift_and_scale_fn(x1, x2.shape[axis])
if scale_type == 'exp':
    y2 = (x2 + shift) * exp(scale)
elif scale_type == 'sigmoid':
    y2 = (x2 + shift) * sigmoid(scale + sigmoid_scale_bias)
elif scale_type == 'linear':
    y2 = (x2 + shift) * scale
    y2 = x2 + shift

if secondary:
    y1, y2 = y2, y1
y = tf.concat([y1, y2], axis=axis)

The inverse transformation, and the log-determinants are computed according to the above transformation, respectively.

Attributes Summary

axis Get the feature axis/axes.
explicitly_invertible Whether or not this flow is explicitly invertible?
name Get the name of this object.
require_batch_dims Whether or not this flow requires batch dimensions.
value_ndims Get the number of value dimensions in both x and y.
variable_scope Get the variable scope of this object.
x_value_ndims Get the number of value dimensions in x.
y_value_ndims Get the number of value dimensions in y.

Methods Summary

__call__(…) <==> x(…)
apply(input) Apply the layer on input, to produce output.
build([input]) Build the layer, creating all required variables.
inverse_transform(y[, compute_x, …]) Transform y into x, and compute the log-determinant of f^{-1} at y (i.e., \(\log \det \frac{\partial f^{-1}(y)}{\partial y}\)).
invert() Get the inverted flow from this flow.
transform(x[, compute_y, compute_log_det, name]) Transform x into y, and compute the log-determinant of f at x (i.e., \(\log \det \frac{\partial f(x)}{\partial x}\)).

Attributes Documentation


Get the feature axis/axes.

The feature axis/axes, as is specified
in the constructor.
Return type:int or tuple[int]

Whether or not this flow is explicitly invertible?

If a flow is not explicitly invertible, then it only supports to transform x into y, and corresponding \(\log p(x)\) into \(\log p(y)\). It cannot compute \(\log p(y)\) directly without knowing x, nor can it transform x back into y.

A boolean indicating whether or not the flow is explicitly
Return type:bool

Get the name of this object.


Whether or not this flow requires batch dimensions.


Get the number of value dimensions in both x and y.

Returns:The number of value dimensions in both x and y.
Return type:int

Get the variable scope of this object.


Get the number of value dimensions in x.

Returns:The number of value dimensions in x.
Return type:int

Get the number of value dimensions in y.

Returns:The number of value dimensions in y.
Return type:int

Methods Documentation

__call__(...) <==> x(...)

Apply the layer on input, to produce output.

Parameters:input (Tensor or list[Tensor]) – The input tensor, or a list of input tensors.
Returns:The output tensor, or a list of output tensors.

Build the layer, creating all required variables.

Parameters:input (Tensor or list[Tensor] or None) – If build() is called within apply(), it will be the input tensor(s). Otherwise if it is called separately, it will be None.
inverse_transform(y, compute_x=True, compute_log_det=True, name=None)

Transform y into x, and compute the log-determinant of f^{-1} at y (i.e., \(\log \det \frac{\partial f^{-1}(y)}{\partial y}\)).

  • y (Tensor) – The samples of y.
  • compute_x (bool) – Whether or not to compute \(x = f^{-1}(y)\)? Default True.
  • compute_log_det (bool) – Whether or not to compute the log-determinant? Default True.
  • name (str) – If specified, will use this name as the TensorFlow operational name scope.

x and the (maybe summed) log-determinant.

The items in the returned tuple might be None if corresponding compute_? argument is set to False.

Return type:

(tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor)


Get the inverted flow from this flow.

The transform() will become the inverse_transform() in the inverted flow, and the inverse_transform() will become the transform() in the inverted flow.

If the current flow has not been initialized, it must be initialized via inverse_transform() in the new flow.

Returns:The inverted flow.
Return type:tfsnippet.layers.InvertFlow
transform(x, compute_y=True, compute_log_det=True, name=None)

Transform x into y, and compute the log-determinant of f at x (i.e., \(\log \det \frac{\partial f(x)}{\partial x}\)).

  • x (Tensor) – The samples of x.
  • compute_y (bool) – Whether or not to compute \(y = f(x)\)? Default True.
  • compute_log_det (bool) – Whether or not to compute the log-determinant? Default True.
  • name (str) – If specified, will use this name as the TensorFlow operational name scope.

y and the (maybe summed) log-determinant.

The items in the returned tuple might be None if corresponding compute_? argument is set to False.

Return type:

(tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor)


RuntimeError – If both compute_y and compute_log_det are set to False.