
tfsnippet.dataflows Package


ArrayFlow(arrays, batch_size[, shuffle, …]) Using numpy-like arrays as data source flow.
DataFlow Data flows are objects for constructing mini-batch iterators.
DataMapper Base class for all data mappers.
ExtraInfoDataFlow(array_count, data_length, …) Base class for DataFlow subclasses with auxiliary information about the mini-batches.
GatherFlow(flows) Gathering multiple data flows into a single flow.
IteratorFactoryFlow(factory) Data flow constructed from an iterator factory.
MapperFlow(source, mapper[, array_indices]) Data flow which transforms the mini-batch arrays from source flow by a specified mapper function.
SeqFlow(start, stop[, step, batch_size, …]) Using number sequence as data source flow.
SlidingWindow(data_array, window_size) DataMapper for producing sliding windows according to indices.
ThreadingFlow(source, prefetch) Data flow to prefetch from the source data flow in a background thread.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of tfsnippet.dataflows.array_flow.ArrayFlow, tfsnippet.dataflows.base.DataFlow, tfsnippet.dataflows.data_mappers.DataMapper, tfsnippet.dataflows.base.ExtraInfoDataFlow, tfsnippet.dataflows.gather_flow.GatherFlow, tfsnippet.dataflows.iterator_flow.IteratorFactoryFlow, tfsnippet.dataflows.mapper_flow.MapperFlow, tfsnippet.dataflows.seq_flow.SeqFlow, tfsnippet.dataflows.data_mappers.SlidingWindow, tfsnippet.dataflows.threading_flow.ThreadingFlow