
tfsnippet.ops Package


add_n_broadcast(tensors[, name]) Add zero or many tensors with broadcasting.
assert_rank(x, ndims[, message, name]) Assert the rank of x is ndims.
assert_rank_at_least(x, ndims[, message, name]) Assert the rank of x is at least ndims.
assert_scalar_equal(a, b[, message, name]) Assert 0-d scalar a == b.
assert_shape_equal(x, y[, message, name]) Assert the shape of x equals to y.
bits_per_dimension(log_p, value_size[, …]) Compute “bits per dimension” of x.
broadcast_concat(x, y, axis[, name]) Broadcast x and y, then concat them along axis.
broadcast_to_shape(x, shape[, name]) Broadcast x to match shape.
broadcast_to_shape_strict(x, shape[, name]) Broadcast x to match shape.
classification_accuracy(y_pred, y_true[, name]) Compute the classification accuracy for y_pred and y_true.
convert_to_tensor_and_cast(x[, dtype]) Convert x into a tf.Tensor, and cast its dtype if required.
depth_to_space(input, block_size[, …]) Wraps tf.depth_to_space(), to support tensors higher than 4-d.
flatten_to_ndims(x, ndims[, name]) Flatten the front dimensions of x, such that the resulting tensor will have at most ndims dimensions.
log_mean_exp(x[, axis, keepdims, name]) Compute \(\log \frac{1}{K} \sum_{k=1}^K \exp(x_k)\).
log_sum_exp(x[, axis, keepdims, name]) Compute \(\log \sum_{k=1}^K \exp(x_k)\).
maybe_clip_value(x[, min_val, max_val, name]) Maybe clip the elements of x.
pixelcnn_2d_sample(fn, inputs, height, width) Sample output from a PixelCNN 2D network, pixel-by-pixel.
prepend_dims(x[, ndims, name]) Prepend [1] * ndims to the beginning of the shape of x.
reshape_tail(input, ndims, shape[, name]) Reshape the tail (last) ndims into specified shape.
shift(input, shift[, name]) Shift each axis of input according to shift, but keep identical size.
smart_cond(cond, true_fn, false_fn[, name]) Execute true_fn or false_fn according to cond.
softmax_classification_output(logits[, name]) Get the most possible softmax classification output for each logit.
space_to_depth(input, block_size[, …]) Wraps tf.space_to_depth(), to support tensors higher than 4-d.
transpose_conv2d_axis(input, …[, name]) Ensure the channels axis of input tensor to be placed at the desired axis.
transpose_conv2d_channels_last_to_x(input, …) Ensure the channels axis (known to be the last axis) of input tensor to be placed at the desired axis.
transpose_conv2d_channels_x_to_last(input, …) Ensure the channels axis of input tensor to be placed at the last axis.
unflatten_from_ndims(x, static_front_shape, …) The inverse transformation of flatten().